Stable Isotope Copper Powder 99,999% 1,000 kg
Name of the Product: Stable Isotope Copper Powder fractions CU63/CU65 99,999%.
2.Total net weight: 1,000.00 kg (One thousand kilograms).
3.Packed: 2kg net weight PETs under argon.
4.Legal Owner:Mr. Sergejs Nasonovs Passport Number: LZ4037195 Valid till: April 7, 2026 Country of issue: Latvia
5.Storage: C. Steinweg N.V. (Haven 73, Ouland 3, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium).
6.Solicitor: C. Steinweg N.V.*(Haven 73, Ouland 3, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium